Monday, June 15, 2009

36 Weeks and Counting

Well its almost D day!!!! I have been so busy lately just trying to get certain things in order around the house and finish Kennedy's room. It just seems like the week are flying by and dragging on all at the same time. I am 36 weeks and 3 days. At the end of this week I will be considered full term. Which means this little lady could arrive anytime soon. I think she will be late. I am hoping that she come right around her due date of July 10th though. I will work right up to the 10th and then if she is not here by then I will be begging my OB to induce me!!!!! My mom is all set to come out the 15th of July unless she arrives earlier!! I have finally finished her nursery. I have photos but I don't have them on my flash drive with me at work. I will post them tonight or tomorrow. I don't know if anyone caught the Today Show on Saturday morning but there was a little girl missing her last day of school to hear the president speak. Her name was Kennedy and when she told the president her name (so he could write her a note excusing her from school) he said her name was cool. So my daughters name has been officially endorsed by the president!!!! Not to shabby! I will post pictures later.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Kennedy will love that story when she is older!