As I type this very post my darling husband is upstairs trying to quiet and soothe our 3 week old baby girl. The past couple of days it seems she has been plagued with gas. Therefore she will eat and then an hour later be inconsolable and hungry again because she has taken in to much air and not enough milk. I am still learning what her cries mean and how to meet her needs. It is so hard to hear her scream and cry and not be exactly sure how to make it better. Its exhausting and draining and heartbreaking. If any moms have any suggestions on how to make sure baby is getting a good latch and how to help with the gas issues I welcome the comments. We are using mylicon when we feed her but it doesn't seem to be helping much. Help!!!!
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14 years ago
Hey! She is GORGOEOUS!!! It's possible Kennedy is getting too much air when she's eating. My mom is a lactation counselor, and she has helped me tons with both of our kids. I'll give you her # if you want. She's been able to help a lot of my friends over the phone.
Mel Lawrence is what i have learned...babys digestive system cant handle dairy, it gives them very bad gas. Piper was fine for the first two weeks, we hardly heard a peep out of her, then 2 sundays ago at lunch i had a huge plate of cheese sticks for lunch and by 7pm she was a diffrent baby, we could not console her at all and right away i thought of the dairy i had eaten at lunch (i had heard of the dairy thing before). So for the next 2 feedings i pumped and dumped my milk to get it out of my system and jake feed her pumped milked from a few days before. I have since cut out my dairy, and have had no colicy episodes since! Its amazing! Its worth trying. Also try mylicon drops before a feeding. and Grip water for generally gasyness. both of those things were advice i have gotten from experinced brestfeeding moms and can be got at any drug store. and of course for a good latch pull down on her chin while bringing her to the breast. I know sometimes i feel like i need 5 hands to get my latch! I hope this helps!!
hey em! i think that the gas thing is just a part of having a newborn...
gabe had it for the first couple of months and grew out of it around 3 months old. just burp burp burp her, i mean dont stop patting her little back until you hear some gas come out! gabe was not a very good burper so sometimes i would have to pat him for a good 20 minutes before i heard anything come out, but when i did that it was very worth it!! and dont let her lay directly on her back for about 15 minutes after feeding her...i know that can be hard, especially at night but it is worth it!
and the latching thing...i would get a nipple shield just to see how much is coming out, and it will help with her latching. when you use a nipple shield you can see the milk in it, so you can know if you are producing very much! just my two cents!
and i think she is a beautiful mix of both you and aaron!
cant wait to meet her! call me if you need anything!
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