Kennedy Grace Krueger was born July 12th at 3:20 in the afternoon. She was 8lbs and 20 inches long. She is perfect and gorgeous and I am completely in love with this little lady. I went to the hospital Sunday morning around 2:30 because my contractions were coming every 3-5 minutes. When we got there they put me in triage for an hour to monitor the baby and make sure I could be admitted to delivery. I was taken to my delivery room around 4. I was given the epidural around 5 and my water broke at 5:20. I was able to rest until around 12:00. I pushed for 3 hours and finally she was born. We stayed two nights in the hospital. We got home on Tuesday afternoon and have been adjusting to life with a newborn ever since. My mom arrived Wednesday morning and has been a huge help. Being a new mom is overwhelming and tiring and rewarding and the most incredible thing all wrapped into one big cute bundle of love. Here are some photos.
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14 years ago
emma! i'm so excited for you! i've been eyeing your blog & facebook waiting to see if & when you had your baby since your last post. she is beautiful! congratulations! love<3
oh emma, I am so happy for you and so excited to hear all the details! you pushed for 3 hours- you are so amazing!!!!!! hope everything is going well and if you ever want to talk mommyhood you just let me know :)! love you!
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