Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Roots and Wings

We just took Kennedy to Oklahoma for the first time. I was throwing two wedding showers for my sister and of course I wanted my family to come home with me. Kennedy did great on the plane. She slept the whole time both ways. Luckily both flights were non-stop. When we go home in November we will not be so lucky with the non-stop flights! It was great to see my mom and sisters. It is always bittersweet to go back to Oklahoma. When I am in Vegas I tell myself that I am okay and I don't really miss OK that much. But as soon as my feet hit the Oklahoma ground I know I am home. It is REALLY hard to be away from family and it is super duper hard now that Kennedy is here! Aaron and I know there is a reason we moved and a reason we are in Vegas. We are just trying to figure out what that reason is and why God moved us to move. We want to get back closer to home eventually. We are working hard to make that a possibility.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Where did September go?

The title of this blog describes exactly how I felt this morning when I realized how fast September flew by. This morning as I was getting ready for work I was reviewing the last month. The good the bad and the ugly. I was also taking notes about everything I needed to get done this week. I am a huge list person. I make to-do lists, grocery lists, budget lists, you name it I can make a list for it. The days seem to fly by and the nights are but a blink (sometimes literally if Kennedy doesn't sleep well). At the beginning of September I remember thinking that I had a birthday to celebrate, a large event at work to prepare for, numerous conference calls, and a month to prepare for two showers I am throwing for my baby sister. Now as I sit at my desk assessing my October planner I see that October is already full! Personal shower and kitchen and bath shower for Lacy, a good friends birthday, our 4 year anniversary, a baby shower, and multiple things at work. Having showers in Oklahoma means flying. I am nervous about flying with Kennedy, but luckily I have a wonderful husband that keeps me calm and sane(for the most part) and he will be accompanying us home to Oklahoma! I love being a mom and this past month Kennedy's personality has really started to show. She loves to smile and is starting to giggle. She loves to cuddle and is a really active sleeper.